Monday, July 3, 2017

hemingway eestlastest

ma olen alati aukartusega vaadanud neid inimesi, kes tsiteerivad hemingwayd ja ütlevad, et hemingway olla kirjutanud midagi, et igas maailma sadamas on vähemalt üks või kaks eestlast ja et nad on alati purjus. et ikkagi tubli lugemus ja et mina küll ei viitsi hemingway raamatuid nii palju lugeda jne.
tõepoolest, täpselt nii hemingway ütleski:
At pier four there is a 34-foot yawl-rigged yacht with two of the three hundred and twenty-four Esthonians who are sailing around in different parts of the world, in boats between 28 and 36 feet long and sending back articles to the Esthonian newspapers. These articles are very popular in Esthonia and bring their authors between a dollar and a dollar and thirty cents a column. They take the place occupied by the baseball or football news in American newspapers and are run under the heading of Sagas of Our Intrepid Voyagers. No well-run yacht basin in Southern waters is complete without at least two sunburned, salt bleached-headed Esthonians who are waiting for a check from their last article. When it comes they will sail to another yacht basin and write another saga. They are very happy too. Almost as happy as the people on the Alzira III. It’s great to be an Intrepid Voyager.”

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